Review: One Word to BeeBetter   by Peter Bradford and  Lynette Sharp 

I was recently given the chance to watch an interview with Peter Bradford. In the interview he discussed his book to BeBetter and why he chose to write it. He shared with us about how he and his partner Lynette Sharp developed their philosophy and understanding of going from good to great with the power of words.

To BeeBetter

Illistration of a bee to Beebetter

“A radical shift in language can recalibrate your mind to achieve greatness no matter how you define it.”Peter Bradford.

In his book, Mr. Bradford explained his theory of changing your mindset from routinely answering good or fine to opening up your potential with more powerful words such as excellent. He shared with the reader about achieving greatness rather than just good. Stories were shared about how he and Ms. Sharp were able to empower several situations by changing the responses from the routine and expected to a more empowering choice of words. He spook about turning the negative to the positive and share some good stories to make his point..

Speakbetter To BeeBetter

To BeeBetter we must speak better. Our word choices greatly affect how others notice and perceive us. Commonly used responses such as “Good” and “Fine” when asked how you are is what is expected and then you appear to blend into the wallpaper. Words such as Great or Excellent are appropriate but not expected and get peoples attention. These words give you strength and acceptance with most listeners. Other words and how they affected your mineset were also discussed.

My Review

I read and took notes after hearing Mr Bradford discuss his book. Three points stood out to me.

1. I enjoyed the Message he was writing about. He was speaking many truths that we know but have not acknowledged. We must understand that even how we speak to ourselves is very powerful. We must take control of the positive and the negative words we speak and think.

2. I would like to see more development of the characters when first Introduced. I would like to see more stories to emphasize a point like there are at the end.

3. Mr. Bradford stated he would like to see this book as a study for many people worldwide. To make it easier to study and discuss I would like to see Page numbers and maybe even paragraph numbers so that others can find the reference quicker.

BeBetter Summary

I did enjoy the reading of the message. We seem to have lost the appreciation of the power of the word. I was intrigued by the idea of common greetings becoming Boring. I’m going to try this out in a positive way and see if I seem to get a stronger response. This book would be a good book to share with those you love. There is even a catalog of hard, and soft copies and items such as shirts and caps. I have had the opportunity in the last few days to try to make situations have a more positive twist and was able to witness the response as the situation unfolded. A book with a message I am not going to walk away from soon.