
I was raised in a family that Did NOT drink Coffee. My Mom Drank the WW2 substitute for it called Postum, but my Dad did not drink coffee at home. He would join others at meeting etc ,but it was not his go to drink I started Drinking Coffee in College while working in Hospitals. Between work and College, I learned to appreciate, which to me was a new drink. Since then, I have learned to love a good cup of coffee. I like my coffee rich and bold. Coffee makes us feel good and gives us peace, focus, and alertness.

Many think that Coffee can help you lose weight. In a way, it can. However, it can be short-term because Caffeine can boost the metabolic rate and increase fat burning, but after a while, our body gets used to it, and it does not help as much. As a result of the bio-hacking genus, we have plôs thermo. This is a packet that you simply “SNAP” and squeeze into your coffee.. Its non-dairy French Vanilla flavor which can add a boost to any drink with caffeine Hot or Cold.

Great! We get to lose weight by taking this bio-hacking non-dairy creamer. Which will enhance our mood, raise our spirits, and help with thermogenic properties to burn that stored (unwanted) fat.

Make Your Morning with Coffee Even Better Drop 10-20 pounds of unwanted weight and inches each month!

I am a comfort food eater. My stress, emotions, and sometimes boredom lead me to eat. I have fought my weight my whole life. Bread, ice cream, cheese, and chocolate are my favorite things. I think this is more common than we want to admit. I love food and Chocolate. With your new coffee additive, you will not need to eat as large a portion; food tastes better, and it could affect you so that you do not want to eat as much for comfort. You will notice your portion size will naturally decrease. This Coffee will affect you if you do not want to eat as much or just eat for comfort.

Before my Coffee, I want …………..

Start with a bright, alert day. A day where you can make a difference. Smell the coffee. I want to set my goals for the day . When I wake up, I want to be able to help others. I will be alert, focused, and helpful. Nothing will stop me from getting my slice of “The pie” each and every day. I want to feel strong, and healthy and be able to enjoy the finer things of life.

I want to be able to Eat Fine Foods as I share quality time with others. To enjoy amazing cooking and the art of Food. I have recently learned about Wine. This is not just any Wine, but very Fine Wine.

2 heart shaped cups of creamy coffee

Now “coffee and wine“ come into my life all the time. And I am able to share this with those around me. It is wonderful. I feel like I have found the Mecca of weight management. I want to share it with everyone. We only live once right?

Put plôs thermo in your morning Drink and see where the inches go. Just 1 or 2 cups each day and change little else. The caffeine helps to activate it.

  • No requirement to exercise!
  • No requirement to be on any Special Diets!
  • We do not have to measure anything.
  • No reason to change our lifestyles around this.
  • Be set with a Scientific Wonder that allows us to eat pie and lose weight!

Enough in Life is Stressful

Enough is going on that we are stressed out about. Be it The JOB, Family, the bills, or trying to provide for the future. We do not have to deal with our weight on top of it. Most of us have a routine morning drink. Work with me on adding plôs thermo to your morning routine.

I have also discovered there is a business side of this. As you get involved and see how wonderful this is for you, then you will be able to reach out to me and offer this to your friends. If you want to get started I will help you. In the event that you want to know more. Come check out my Contact Us page at and get to know what this is all about. However, if you are not ready to join then stay and see all the wonderful offers we have going on here