Remember the Rainbow When the Rain Comes

In Texas many things are precious. We are Very Proud of our History and Culture. Texans are proud of our Independent spirit and Football. We love our Food and celebrations. But there is one thing in Texas most can appreciate, It is rain.

We pray for it and try not to get too upset with it when we have too much. From the Northern Panhandle to the Rio Grande Valley we hope and wait for rain. Farmers hope when it comes it comes slowly so it can soak in. We Dream the Gulf Hurricanes gives us its rain bands and keeps the eyewall out to sea. City folk Dream,The western thunderstorms keep the hail and tornados small so that our homes, cars, and crops are not severely damaged. We pray and Dream for it and try to prepare for it. Even when we think we know it. It can still surprise us.

May 24, 2022 The Brownwood, Texas area had an extreme amount of Rain in a very short time.  Within 30 minutes hail beat the leaves from the trees and 3 ½ inches of Rain fell at my house.   

Rain coming down very heavy  and starting to flood yard

We pulled into the drive way with only a drop or two on the windshield. I got my daughter into the house. I let the dogs in from outside and put things away from our grocery trip. Then I started to go to the back door to go out and make sure my drainage spots under my fence were not clogged with leaves. I saw water coming under the door. I do not know if it was pushed open or I opened it but suddenly water was pushing me back as a wall of water rushed in. A large trash can hit at me in the flow of Rain water. My family has lived in this house 32 years and never had water come from outside into my house.

I ran and started opening doors and the water flowed through. My small 14 year old dog was grabbed by the hair as he floated out the front door. We were all safe but wet.

Rain Water in the house

The water had come down the alley and from my uphill neighbor’s yard.  It swiftly flowed through my house bringing water, mud, and leaves into my home.  I found out I did not have coverage for this because it was a flood. For 24 hours I was told by my insurance company that I was covered with a Catastrophic Loss. Then they said it was only covered if I had Flood Insurance. All normal avenues were not available to help. I was not a disaster because I was the only one.

Help came after the Rain

At first I did not know which way to turn.  During the last year my resources had dried up as my income had been drastically cut. I had Just started working with some wonderful and positive people learning to Blog on Line. I had and still have so much to learn. Rory always said you don’t fail unless you quit. I did not Quit. I have had a few restarts and have gone through 3 computers but the positive additude of this company has kept me going.

Then local guidance and support came forth.  Church friends, friends, former students and family came forward.

Thanks to all helping

Carl and Lorinda B. sharing my situation and asking those they knew if any resources were available to help my daughter, Telisha and I resolve our problem.  Telisha and I slept on their couch for several weeks. We slept on Vickie’s couch for a while. Them MY brother James showed and helped us find a place to rent.

The Methodist Men and those they shared my situation with have been very generous with their time, Knowledge and financial resources.   We have much to do to finish but we would never have been able to have gotten this far without you. 

Stephanie w. started a go fund me, in addition to money we were offered building supplies and cabinets

Through this time I had  many conversations with Carl and shared with him that through the many Storms in my life I have to stop, pray, work hard and wait. In His time the rainbow will appear.

Remember the Rainbow comes after strife.  He is here for us in our Need. 

My Dream

I Dream to be home by Christmas. I would like to cook in my kitchen.