Dream Much Bigger

This is for those of you who read my 1v47.com page about the flash flood that occurred May 24, 2022, when 3 1/2 inches of rain fell in 30 minutes, then filled my house with mud and water. I do not live in a flood plain or even close to one so no Flood insurance. I felt that as I was seeing my return home really happen, I needed to Evaluate my Situation and Dream Much Bigger.

The tree was the First Thing in the House

My Dream when I wrote My First Dream page has been surpassed by so much. My Dream was to be able to cook in my home for Christmas. With a lot of pushing, hard work, and the support of many people, I moved stuff into my house only 4 days before Christmas.

Christmas Eve  Dinner and unpacking party
Christmas Eve Dinner and unpacking party

Christmas Eve as I was walking through stacks of boxes stacked 4 and 5 high I was able to cook a turkey Dinner for 10 friends and family that were around helping with my move. The next day, my friend Leslie and her son came with a ham, and 10 people were fed Christmas dinner.

Long Way to Go

I am in my home. My kitchen is usable and I am slowly discovering what I still have as each box is opened. I now know that things will never be the same or are gone. I have looked for things for the last 6 months but when not found I say, ” It must be in the blue Sea Container” sitting in my driveway. Many of those things must have actually gone into the dumpster on the street. They are just things.

I do have a new stove now. A crock pot that I know how to use without a knob to turn, you just keep your pliers handy.. We now have walls and all but 2 closets have doors. I am in my home and all is well. I have paint on most of the walls and a 5-gallon bucket of paint to be used to finish when I can. Through the generosity of friends family and community my daughter, and I have added my wonderful brother, James. We are home now.

The home pantry is ready to be able to share groceries with families. This has always been important to me. There is a big food pantry in town but through the years I have heard of people that end up tight at the end of the month and could use a few days’ worth of help.

Now Prepare to Move Forward

So much has been learned by listening to Rory, Nile, Deana, and others I have heard share through this PBS, especially Tonya. Her lists of setting goals and organization have helped me refocus on what needs to be done. This blogging has given me focus when It was difficult to see the future. I have always wanted to be their for others but had not always felt that I deserved it myself. This, I am working very hard on as circumstances and events unfold. Our Friend Rory is always talking about Paying it forward. I have tried to take this path in my life. I just never expected to be on the receiving end of this kind of generosity. The giving spirit of those who reach out to me has humbled me.

New Bigger Dream

Now new goals to set. Things I lost and need to work back in my life and new Adventure.


Organizing time management to bring myself back to a structured schedule like I had before my retirement. Teaching school for 35 years meant I worked “a bell schedule” and I was able to get so much done. Now I need to go back in time and set up that block time again. If it can be done in 5 minutes, get it done. Time for household chores and now Blocking time to work on my PBS, v marketing etc.

Be a Duck

Let the water flow over you. Save the flapping and paddling hard for the Big things. Most of the time my students were angry at school because it was a safe place to be angry.. Do not take negative, angry statements personally. Do what you can to help, and what you can’t delegate. Learn to delegate what you do not have the skill, resources, or authority to take on. Learn to Say NO!


Take my quiet time each day. Do things that make me happy. Focus on my own strengths and passions. Do something Creative. Love and enjoy time with my family and friends. Stop and Rest when I am tired. Allow me a day off.

Now Down to Business

In 3 years or less eliminate my mortgage. Have my emergency fund re-established. Eliminate all credit card debt. Maintain a balance of at least $500, even at the end of the month. Then get ready to Travel. I want to see a Glacier, Iceland, dive The Great Barrier Reef, travel through the Panama Canal and Ireland. I hope to see you on the trip!