Dress for Success

Dress for Success: This is where you can find access to discount fashions across the board. I need to ask: myself these questions: Have I seen what I want? Will these be clothes that fit? Will these clothes that fit make Me Feel attractive? And are they within My Budget?

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For Many Years Clothes for The Different Sized was hard to Find at a price you can afford. For us larger ladies check out Universal Standard, Walmart, JCPenny’s, and many well-known national brands with special sites. I have realized that professionally dressed men wear long-sleeved shirts. Professionally dressed women usually have some type of jacket that can add a finishing touch to many outfits.

Online Shopping

Online shopping was scary at first but now is actually a huge help for us all. It is especially helpful for those of us who do not wear “average” sizes. You need to figure out your size. Look carefully at their size chart. All companies are a bit different. Once you make sure you have the correct information, ordering and reordering becomes a breeze. You can keep up with styles, the seasons, and the trends that help you put your best foot forward.

When a shop does not have to pay Mall Rent, utilities, and a large sales staff things can cost less. Prices will come down, and you don’t have to travel across the county to shop. You can look all over the world without leaving your home. Now you will not look like everyone you see wearing the same clothes as you.

What to Wear

If we have to wear clothes, and at least we do where I live. We might as well enjoy it. Express yourself, and Show yourself the Respect and Power you deserve. You can find what you need in our retail Therapy and better yet do it on a budget. When you buy, they send you discounts and offers all the time. It is a great way to get more for your money.

My best Friend in College was fun to shop with. She wanted to look Professional but at 92 pounds and 5 feet tall it was hard Not to have to shop in the kid’s Department. She needed to look smart and Professional in Court! Finding High heels in a 5 narrow was almost impossible. She wanted to look her best and be knowledgeable before the judge. I needed bigger clothes but did not want to dress like my Grandma or a lady of the night.

Additionally, when I started teaching I wanted to look professional in my classroom. I needed clothes that could move about in easily and then pop into a parent meeting. It has gotten easier.

I recently read an article about how older women dress and what they do that affects their appearance. Something that they brought out was if we tended to dress in black, brown and gray that we needed to add a pop of color to our outfit. Well, as a woman going on 70, I decided I needed to take this advice and I started adding a Bright Jacket, or shirt or slacks, not everything could be dark or dull. I have had several comments about how young I am looking. All I say is that every positive comment helps. So add that pop of color!

Find the Clothes you Need

Stores for Dancers and Cycles will find the clothes needed. Whatever the activity Dress for it. Discounts Galore are available. When you feel down look at what you have on. We need to look at the color, style and fit to feel good about ourselves

Then when you feel confident look at what you have on. We need to Dress for Success. We need to be able to feel positive and successful.